Today I needed a rest from Earthdancer, she is haunting me and mocking me so I put her aside, still she beckons me to finish her.
She says the framer is waiting, well the framer can wait.
I started this today and hope to have it finished by this evening.
This is a Shepherds Bush pattern for a needleroll but I will be making a block to sit on my sofa table at halloween.
I picked the purple because I do not have much of the color purple with my halloween decorations.
I am almost finished with Franenstein, he is so cute, the witch is so hard to see I think she will do fine.
Today the temp did not reach 20 above, I am just snuggled in, Mike went to Mass tonight because he bought me a t.v. for my birthday and Direct T.V. is coming tomorrow to hook everything up when I am at church, tomorrow is donut sunday I can catch up with the local news, you know are there any new baby's or who is moving out of town, the usual stuff.
Keep warm and please pray for the people in Haiti.
Stay Safe