Greetings everyone: How about that title? I was working on a project that has the elongated bullion knots, I practiced so many times thought I had it down and then no such luck when working on the design, so, I am going to do a spider web or add a large button to fill in the area.
This is a kit I got from the stash relocation table at retreat last year, it was one of the kits from a fellow Guild member who sadly passed away, she was a wonderful and generous lady, we miss her so much.
This is the Pin Pillow, I love the Spider Web stitch in the corners
I bought this design from The Wishing Thorn, Birgit has so many lovely designs, I am not sure how I will finish this on, I stitched it on 28 count unknown fabric with DMC threads.

This is a Lizzie Kate Snippet Merry Ho Ho, I did not add the Merry Ho Ho, I wanted to keep it small to fit in a small frame, maybe.
I also made another Christmas ornament Little House Seasons Greetings
This is such a sweet design, I stitched this on 30 count unknown fabric both Christmas patterns are from stash relocation at Guild retreat last year
I fully finished the stitch along with Helen D on Youtube
It is a October House Strawberry Faire
I also finished constructing an Easter design I found online not sure of the designer, I stitched it on 32 count unknown fabric, I love this bunny I stitched it last October and constructed it in April after my last post
I have been very busy spring cleaning which comes with doing the woodwork trim dusting, washing windows, wiping down wall to make sure there are no cobweb, I did find one a very small one thankfully, I washed the back deck and the front porch got the summer furniture set out and cleaned them, planted lots of flower pots along with the other things in my gardens
Everyday I go out and spray the boxelder babies, it sound cruel but they are a menace here in Annandale, Minnesota, I use Dawn soap and water, it is safe and works so well
I want to thank you all for your Prayers and Blessings on Mikes health, it has been a battle, he is having surgery on his back the end of the month, I hope this helps with some of his pain
I will send out thank-you's this week for your comments on my April post
I feel bad I have not been commenting on your blogs of late, I am going to try harder to leave comments more often
Have a wonderful day