Hello My Dear Friends: I have had a month I will never forget, my computer kept kicking me out, my internet stopped for more then four days with intervals of working and not working, UGH.
But the good news is I was able to attend the Minnesota Needlework Guild Retreat back in the second week of August, what a great bunch of ladies plus one man, I am sure he felt lucky to be there with all us gabbing women.
He is a beautiful stitcher, he likes to work on very big and beautiful projects.
I did get some stitching done, I worked on my Blue Floral Ensemble by Cherished Stitches, this is a very costly kit, my friend LaRue bought this and did not want to stitch it, so I bought it for a fraction of the cost lucky me.
I finished the scissor case and the biscornu, I love the deep blue colors, not a really good picture, it is foggy out today so had to do my best. The scissors case is a little wonky because my adorable little cat decided to play with it before the picture, I will need to do a little work on it.
I finished my Scattered Seed Happy Hearts Rejoice Pinkeep Nest, I need to do the finishing work tonight, I am in love with Tammy Blacks Designs, she is very creative, and a wonderful designer, this is number two of the Little Sparrow Pinkeep Club series, I did the The Little Sparrow Drum a few months ago.
http://scatteredseedsamplers.blogspot.com , please stop by Tammy's site and see all the wonderful things she has to offer, she sells on Ebay and Etsy, she has some things I am itching to buy.
Next is slow slow slow progress on With My Needle Kindred Spirits, I have not done much on this little lovely, I love this kit, it is beautiful, Ellen is such a little lady and so sweet, I plan on having this done before the first of the year. (so sorry abuot the crappy picture)
I have to tell you, I had to buy a new camera, I love my new Canon Power Shot SX530 HS with wifi, wow I am getting so technology savvy.
I took my last picture of a little girl in the neighborhood selling lemonade.
I took some beautiful pictures of the sun rising, it was so big and beautiful, I took these on my morning walk.
The higher the sun got the bigger it got wow. A little fog was also in the trees.
I received a free Fitbit for doing surveys on the computer, I had so many points and wanted to use some of them up, so a Fitbit it is.
I have been walking so much just to get my steps up there and now I am addicted, so maybe this will be my motivation to lose weight, yippee.
I am working at home today and tomorrow so Karol our customer coordinator can go on a well deserved vacation.
I am counting the days to retirement, I am down to 58 days and a wake-up call, I am getting excited and hope I will have loads to do in the near future. Loads of stitching, beading and I plan on getting back to doing stain glass again.
Many Blessings on this Labor Day week-end to all.