Greetings top all my lovely followers, thank-you for your kind comments.
I was able to get the pillow constructed and filled, I love the look, I love bees am not afraid of them and welcome them into my yard but not on me.
This is a lovely Jardin Prive design.
I started working on my Patrick's Woods, I hope to have it finished by Sunday and then work on the accessories, I did change the colonial knots to French knots, I am not a fan of either but like the French knot better

I was so busy with getting things sewn and beaded for the Church Festival store, which was a success, it was on Sunday with a chicken dinner brats' dogs and hamburgers, I was the chicken girl and worked with three amazing people filling orders.
Mike is doing a little better and we hope he is back on track with his health, after the injection on his back one more time, we hope this helps give him relief it did for a short time, nest is surgery,
Have an amazing week of stitching sewing beading and any other craft you do.