Saturday, October 19, 2024

A New Kitty and Me Design

 Hello to all: It is a chilly day here in Annandale, Mn with rain on the way we have been without rain for                                                          almost a month, it will be a blessing.

I want to let you know about a new Kitty and Me design, it is of a sun very cute, his smile makes me                              smile, Pamela Kellog has many designs not just cats, please visit her site

                                      She is on Etsy it is kittyandme, have a look at her site on Etsy

                                               I will be posting on what I have been doing soon


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hurricane Relief Design

Greetings all my friends in Blog land: Please watch the Proper Stitcher on Floss Tube, she is having a fund raiser with Cross Stitch & Crafts you can contact them by phone to order either a paper copy or a PDF.

The design she is using is called: Go Tell It On The Mountain a very sweet design.

Phone number is 423-610-0441 they will, take your information over the phone and all your information.

Please remember this is a fund raiser for so many that have lost so much from the hurricanes

Thank-you from my heart for visiting and commenting


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Fall Starts Officially Sunday The 22

 Hello my dear friends, thank-you for your kind words on my last post, I have not emailed thank-yous it has been very busy here with gardening (flowers) and canning and freezing, along with sewing and needlework.

We are changing the siding from venal siding to cedar, it smells so good on the front porch, cedar has such an amazing odor, we are only doing the front porch this year, Mike has to rest a bit every hour before continuing with the finishing. Just a start, will stain all of the siding and flooring and steps when it is a bit cooler.


             I have done a bit of stitching, I finished stitching Blue Ribbon Designs complimentary                                             patterns, I hope to stitch them all, there are other designs she has done

                               I started a new design from an Etsy shop, Narax stitch patterns 

                                              Just a little stitching but not enough to show

A few people have inquired about the weight I had made, I use this for holding down the stitching frame on the edge of the table, that way I can have one hand under the frame for pulling and the other hand on top for stabbing the fabric, it works so well for me, I have lost a few pound and have a difficult time at                                                                  the table with a frame stand

                I also had inquiring's about what Kimohumo is, it is a form of braiding, with a weight and a round foam rubber plate, there are slots which the threads are in and on of the slots is left empty so you can braid the cording, for a bracelet or necklace, the weight is for pulling down the braid as you braid                                                                                    along.

I am not a fan of the cording that is used, I may try something else to make a bracelet, maybe a soft wire or leather

I am a Teresa Kugat Patreon follower, Teresa has a stitch along and has many patterns that come with some of the tiers, I pay only 20.00 dollars a month not including tax, it is so work it, the designs range from rug hooking, needle punch to stitching, here are a couple of designs that are from the Patreon membership

I hope to start Santa Ted and Ann soon

I did buy a design the Sacred Heart I will stitch for the priest at our Church for Christmas, if I do not get it done by then maybe for his birthday
I love this design; I have a feeling I will be stitching it more than once or twice next year

This is one of the class's I took at Minnesota Needlework Guild last month, 
it will be a beetle when finished, but in my colors 

Starts out this way

This is how far I got in class, I hope to finish it this weekend, I have been so busy

Here are few photos of the teachers designs she has finished, she is so talented

Are they not fabulous?
The teacher was: Jessica Huang and amazing little lady who had such a fun and humorous attitude
I would love to take another class from her 

I still have more to show but will save for another post, I had to leave early due to someone being ill and could not take the box class which I have not started yet, also I do have more to show from the gift bag we received 
Have an amazing week


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hello My Friends In Stitch World

 Greetings my dear friends, August was a very busy month, lots of VA appointments for Mike reevaluation  of benefits, we are still in the dark as to weather he will have a reduction or addition of funds.

The first week I went to the Guild Retreat had a ball the first day, I took two class’s, one a Kumohimo class and a felting class finished both which I will share in my next post.

I was so lucky to have found a bag a big bag of Gentle Arts threads, now I do not usually buy specialty threads unless I have too now I have almost all the colors. I asked if anyone was interested in the bag no one in the reallocation room was I was the lucky girl. So sorry babout the Sid way photos they would not turn.


I also was able to get four books A cross stitch Christmas, Seasonal Sensations, Seasons Of Memories,
Heart Of the Holidays and A Season To Remember, I love these books.

Stitching update:

I did finish a Pamela Kellogg design Kitty and Me designs, (so sorry about the wrinkles) I love her cats, however I am not a fan of Krienik threads which there were four used.
I am going to have Michael’s frame him for me 

I was able to fully finish a Christmas ornament I stitched a while back, I love Santas

I made myself a weight for a frame, sometimes I like to use a tv tray and lay a large stitching frame on the table and use a weight at the top to hold the hoop or frame, weighs about seven pounds

Time to start dinner and relax a little then down to my sewing room for mending and sewing, have an amazing week and wish and pray for Peace around the world



Monday, August 26, 2024

I Have Another Post

 Greetings My Dear Followers: Thank-you for your comments on my last blog post a few days ago,

            I hope you were all able to get thank-you from me, if not I will check back to make sure.

I did do a lot of stitching sewing and mending when I was not able to post on Blogger, so I am doing a                                                 little at a time to keep from having such a long post.

This design was sent to me from Marilyn in Wisconsin (no Blog) she is so kind to send this to me as a                      kit, I am a nut for needle rolls, this is one I had not seen before, Thank-you Marilyn

                                                This is a Shepherds Bush Folk Heart from 1999

                   stitched on 28 count Lavander Mist Cashel Linen two strands DMC over two threads, 

                                          For some reason the kit photo will not upload so sorry

 I stitched this for Christmas, my sister-in-law loves a pink Christmas
Please forgive me I do not remember the designer

These two designs I stitched earlier this summer, they are both from Marly's site, she has an amazing page of freebies, please visit her site
She has some amazing pear designs for free
stitched on 32 count unknown fabric, most of the fabric I have does not have a name or count I need to count the threads, most of the fabric I have, have come from stash reallocation tables at retreats

I did buy another item from Blue Ribbon Designs, I am a nut for Pin Pillows, this one caught my eye for                                                     the yellow red and the tiny, adorable Owl
Belinda has so many lovely finished items to choose from, she also has cross stitch, quilting and other items you may enjoy buying please visit her site she has links to                                                                               her Etsy Shop

This was a design I won from a Youtuber, Heartstring Samplery My Wish For You
Stitched on 32 Count Kunzite Linen

Just for giggles

I will post again soon, I have so much top show but do not want to make it a very long post for fear of losing followers

Have an amazing Blessed week

Saturday, August 24, 2024

I am so happy to be able to do a post after all the problems I have been having with Google, hopefully                                                                          that is in the past

Below is a design I stitched a couple months ago, I took it to Michaels to have framed, I really like the way it turned out, it is a design from A New Creation a site on Etsy, I have bought another design from                                            this designer, I plan on starting the stitching in October

I love this design, I stitched it on an unknown linen count is 32, I will frame this one myself as soon as I find the right frame so sorry about the wrinkles, I just wanted to get it posted

This design is from Pamela Kellogg Kitty and Me designs, it is from the Colorful Cats series, this is my second design of hers I have stitched, the fabric is again another I cannot remember the name of however it is stitched on 32 count a very open weave linen which I do not like but I wanted to stitch it on a blue fabric

I have bought a couple of things from Blue Ribbon Designs, Belinda has some amazing items for sale
The front and back of this adorable bag, it is perfect for my cheater glasses, pencil, scissors and other items
Please check her site out she has quilting and cross stitching on her site

I stitched this a very long time ago, it is a design from the Stitching Fairy, I love this to bits, again it is stitched on an unknown fabric, I have a load of fabric from stash reallocation at Minnesota Needlework Guild retreats,
Please check her out

I do have a load to show you but do not want to over bear this post in case something goes wrong while posting, it has been cool in the evenings here which is unusual for August in Minnesota, tomorrow it will be in the upper 80s on monday in the 90s, this is okay with me I will still be outdoors, we have been working in the yard a load this year, we have had a load of rain which Mike has had to mow twice a week two weeks this summer he mowed three times in 8 days, I have been deadheading flowers to keep them fresh looking.
We did have to buy a new PC and the same week our iPhone pooped out, it was a very expensive week, I told Mike this covers my birthday, Christmas and our anniversary for gifts for me
Mike is still have problems but seems to be able to handle the pain from neuropathy, he is an amazing man, he says that he is where God wants him to be
I will try and post again this coming week, i want to tell you about two retreats that I was at
Have an amazing week.


Friday, August 2, 2024

What A Month It Has Been

 First of all thank-you to my faithful followers for staying the course with me in my absence, we have had a spendy month of July, first the computer started acting like an arse, then both our cell phones decided to make us angry, Mikes battery was about to blow up, my phone stopped some features like browsing the net, at AT&T the young man helping us took the battery out of Mikes phone and ran it outdoors saying it was ready to burst that is why Mikes phone died.

I tried posting on my IPAD but the photos kept coming up wonky, so I gave that up, then we had to get a new tower for the PC, well Best Buy was not a good experience, they talked us into a package of protection and also saying that it would get our stuff transferred over faster and instead of waiting a couple of days it was almost two weeks without a PC, now I am not an angry person ever but this really got to me, now as to the photo of the cat eating Mickey, well I had to put a photo on my blog so the woman could understand what I was talking about when I could not load photos, she asked what Best Buy could do for us, I told her that there were several issues with the PC, so that is the dilemma we had for over a two week period.

I am leaving for a stitch retreat in a few hours, I will be posting about that trip[ on Monday.

Thank-you all for hanging in there with me, I love all your comments and really appreciate them.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Some Stitching Lots of Rain

 I hope you all are having  an amazing week, it has been busy here, I am splitting my Stella De Oreo day Lillie’s and transplanting them to the side of the driveway, hot and lots of digging, I will share photos when I am finished
It has been raining a lot but loving the green trees and the fresh air smell after the rain

I am working a bit on Sweet Liberty from Samplers and Santa’s, this is a design from Marly over at Samplers and SantasHTTPS://, she has so many lovely designs for free.

I hope to have this finished and get some fully finished things done by Sunday, have an amazing weekend


Happy Fourth Of Jully

 God has Blessed us with a wonderful free country, we are lucky.

I hope this Holiday is a great day for you who celebrate


Thursday, June 27, 2024

I have done a bit of stitching

I have done some stitching on my Stars And Stripes from Marlys freebie design, I am loving this design,       it will be a pillow for my dough bowl.

       I did finish this finally, (so sorry about the wrinkles, I hope to finish it into a pillow on Friday

I also finished the design I won from a flosstuber

I am having problems uploading photos so sorry, this one will be another pillow

I did finish this sweet design I bought from an Etsy Shop, it is from A New Creation designer, I am not sure how I will finish it

I need to stop now I am having problems, I will try and post again soon

Saturday, June 22, 2024

This is a test

 I have been having problems getting on Blogger and uploading photos, so this is a test.

I have been stitching and beading some, I am working on a Patriotic Samplers from Samplers and Santa’s, it  is Marlys 1776 design I love it, I am using Gentle Arts threads Cherry Wine, Shaker White, Gold Leaf and Uniform Blue, I really like the colors on the fabric so far.

Please visit Marley at HTTPS:// please visit her lovely blog, she has a great sense of humor a very generous lady with her time and talents for her family.
Marly has many free and lovely designs she shares.

I hope to have it finished by Monday, since this is a test I will make this short.

Thank you to DJ for checking on Me.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Just Popping In To Say

 Just popping in to say Brookes Books is having a great 30% off all her PDF's, She is doing better and gaining strength and other capabilities after her cancer treatments.

Hop on over to her Etsy shop, take a look you may find some lovely designs to stitch.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Happy Spring Here In Minnesota

 Greetings top all my faithful followers, thank-you from my heart for your comments, thank-you for all the private emails I received about how well I am doing, this touches my heart, thank-you so much.

I am doing well, I have flutters every once in a while but the doctor said that is to be expected due to the angry areas that were invaded with the ablation, it will go on for up to three months.

My husband likes to give gifts, he was raised with three sisters they taught him to be kind to the lady he marries, Mike wanted to give me an anniversary gift before our 47th anniversary, he is so kind.

I cried so much the day the DMC box arrived and with all the threads, I am so grateful for his kindness

This is something I had been looking at for about a month, he must have seen that I was interested in this design, and to think this came in one day it is a Minnesota company that sent it.
I sit with my back to the office door facing the window so I can enjoy the outside and what is going on with the birds and children playing its so much fun to see the children having fun

The threads are amazing, they are so soft and silky, I am not sure when I will start this one, I have two projects going now which I have never done before I will share                                                 them with you today

I did buy this on Etsy the site is: NARAxcrossStitchPatterns, there are some lovely                        designs on that site, hopefully I will start this one before fall

 This lovely Sampler is from The Wishing Thorn, I bought my first design from                                             Birgit one year ago, I love her Samplers

 I won this on a YouTube video giveaway, I am so sorry I cannot find the name of      the Youtuber, her name is Lisa Smith, I am so sorry about not remembering her              YouTube name, I will hunt it down and let you know her YouTube name

You know I love doing wool applique and working with wool, well I found this         sweet design online and hope to get to it sometime soon, I will make one change instead of the Fall letters being on different hanging fabric I will do them all on one     piece of fabric, also I plan on not doing the cotton fabric it is too wrinkly for me

This is what I am working on now, I love the Cats from Kitty and Me designs, I had stitched one a little over a year ago, now this one, I love the blue fabric Pamela chose but could not find it anywhere to purchase, this is the other on I want to enter                                                   in the county fair in July

 Next up is the Nativity Band Sampler this I also bought in the Etsy shop, by A New Creation by Alison, she has some amazing designs

 I am not a fan of black or dark blue fabric but this works for me so far, I started this on Saturday evening, did not get much done, I also want to enter this one in the                                                            county fair this year
 I would like to show more of what I have been up to but do not want to make this so long, again than-you for your kindness to Michael and myself for all your                                                        prayers they really do work
