Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Many Things Have Been Happening

Blessings to all my wonderful followers and the ones that stop by to take a peek.
It has been very busy here at the old homestead, of course you all know Mike had second and third degree burns on his right hand and arm, he is doing well, healing is slow in one spot on his forefinger, however the rest is healing so good ( I know I know my writing would make an English teacher have a coronary) but he is feeling better but and its a big one he needs to have a skin graft on the 26th of October a day after we come back from Mexico, poor guy it just will not stop for him, we truly believe he is being tested, he will survive, I know he will he is strong in his faith and feels this is part of the life God had planned for him, as a Catholic he reads the Bible he is on his seventh reading, amazing I cannot get past the first five pages, some think Catholics do not read the Bible but we grew up this way, its just that it was a private thing for us as growing up.
Anyhoo please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

I was at a wonderful small three day retreat this past week-end, I had so much fun, we have cooking teams for the meals we spend about 10 minutes in the kitchen preparing and 15 after dinner cleaning up, cheaper then ordering  delivery.

I taught a class on making small snowflake ornaments, they are about an inch across but so cute, can be hung in a window or hung on a small tree. They really sparkle when they are in the sun.

I started a design it is My Pink Rose Pinkeep from Blackbird Designs, it was a little tricky at first due to getting used to the dots on the fabric, I love this design.

 So sorry about the wrinkles.

I will be starring a new Scattered Seeds Sampler on vacation, I stitch in the late afternoon when the sun is at its hottest, this is Hearts Content Armchair Pinpoke  I really like this design, I guess I am really excited to get started on it maybe on the plane.

Tammy Black does such a nice job designing and putting kits together, she chooses vintage looking fabric.

This is another of Scattered Seed Samplers, I stitched these earlier this year and finally found the time to put them together, I used  pillow stuffing on these two, again Tammy does a fabulous job of coordinating colors and fabrics.

  The above is Pins & Needles Pinpoke, she even sent the silver needle to attach to the Pinpoke.

This is Come Dance With Me Pinkeep,  I did finish them both last week but did a different finish of the trim, from what Tammy had suggested.

Now I want to show you what I bought from http://happinessiscrossstitching.blogspot.com, I had looked at her blog and found the most adorable bag, I had to order it, I love bees and this bag is beautiful, she sent the cutest cards along with the order.

Look at the leather tag so adorable, this bag is an amazing bag it is perfect in everyway, the swing is amazing.

Look at the cute cards and the Bee scissor fob.

This is a good size bag for small projects. Thank-you Lynn.

Now the most beautiful gift arrived in the mail, we are a group of people in this Blogland that surpass amazing, I came home from an appointment with Mike and was very down, crying a lot that day he was told he needed to have a skin graft, when we picked up the mail there was a package from Frances she is over at http://asymphonyofstitches.blogspot.com, Frances is am amazing and beautiful Lady, she has touched my heart, I am overwhelmed by her generosity, as I sit here with tears in my eyes I feel so lucky to call Frances my Friend, God Bless you Frances for what you sent me, you do not know how it has made me feel.

You see Frances sent me some amazing and beautiful gifts, these two are from a visit she made to Rome, she even had them Blessed there, ( I am one Lucky Lady)

This little booklet is amazing and beautiful,  I am thrilled with it, Thank-you Frances.

 This  Bookmark is beautiful, I am already using it with my daily reading it is a lovely gold and light brown leather, my heart is touched by your sweet and lovely generosity, you are am amazing lady Frances, thank-you form my heart and soul, your gifts that day when I arrived home will never be forgotten.

She also sent along two very sweet Prairie Schooler designs, which I will be stitching while on vacation.

 This Lizzie Kate is one that was on my to buy list, again her generosity  is amazing.
 So sorry about the photos today I just did not have the right lighting, I love bee's and any farm animal, these are perfect for me, thank-you again Frances.
Please stop over to her Blog and see the different trees she puts up for the seasons, they are amazing.

God Bless You Frances.

Its time to pack my Dear Friends, I will post when I come back from vacation.



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Some Finishing

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–It has been very busy around here, this week alone Mike has three doctor appointments, one was 75 miles away the one tomorrow will be 60 miles away and the one on Friday for the burn Center is thankfully only 51 miles away, the first two are due to the Veterans Evaluation Services, I feel so bad for Mike he is being thrown around like a worthless piece of paper, the V>A> just does not want to help him, he has to take a med that is 1200.00 two shots this is Rapatha for cholesterol, it has brought his levels down from 305 too 155 an amazing number, it is proven Rapatha helps to clear the plaque in your arteries.

Anyhoo, I have been busy fall cleaning and running around with Mike, so I decided to do some finishing of things I have stitched and need to complete.

This was a kit given to me by the lovely and beautiful Kim over at http://wisdomwithneedleandthread.blogspot.com I stitched this in early September, it was to be a wall hanging  I wanted it to be a pillow for my sewing chair in my sewing room, I am not sure why the bottom is puckered in it must be the way I put it on the bed to take a photo.
I have never stitched on such a large fabric, I liked it,  it was a tread not to have to use a magnifier.

I stitched this back in in June when we were in Mexico, this is a Plum Street Sampler design,it is going to hang on my door handle in the office, I think my camera has a problem this photo looks like it is tucked in under the tin.

I stitched this way back in December 2016, what the heck took me so long to add a ribbon is beyond me, I am so slow, I cannot even give a good excuse, other then I am not sure I can even come up with an excuse, Mike thought I had just stitched it.

We had some terrific thunder storms on Monday into Tuesday, poor Krissy was hiding under the covers of the bed something she has never done before, here she is.

And of course she is on my side of the bed for now that is okay Mike has to sleep in the recliner until he gets the okay to sleep in bed from the burn Doctor.

Has anyone noticed the Asian beetles this year, somehow they are coming into the house, the cat ate one but did not like the taste, I am killing them as fast as I can, they stink so I try not to squish them too much.
I am going to paint the bedroom soon, I hate painting, it has been 15 years since it was painted last, it really needs a new coat, so I have been looking at photos on Pinterest  for ideas there are way to many ideas out there.
Thank-you from my heart for your prayers and concern for Mike and his burn I would post photos but do not want to freak you out.
Thank-you for your  lovely comments on my last post
Well its time to clean the bathrooms and do some stitching, I hope you are all well and getting loads of stitching done.
Thank-you for stopping by.
