Thursday, July 4, 2024

Some Stitching Lots of Rain

 I hope you all are having  an amazing week, it has been busy here, I am splitting my Stella De Oreo day Lillie’s and transplanting them to the side of the driveway, hot and lots of digging, I will share photos when I am finished
It has been raining a lot but loving the green trees and the fresh air smell after the rain

I am working a bit on Sweet Liberty from Samplers and Santa’s, this is a design from Marly over at Samplers and SantasHTTPS://, she has so many lovely designs for free.

I hope to have this finished and get some fully finished things done by Sunday, have an amazing weekend



Victor S E Moubarak said...

Best wishes to you and your family always.

God bless, Catherine.

Marilyn said...

We are having s lot of rain here also, almost every day!
Be careful moving those plants, it's so hot, take breaks.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We're getting nice rains here too - right now the sky is looking like there's more in the offing. Hope your Stella's 'take' and look lovely.