Wednesday, July 21, 2021

I Am Going To Try Again And Post Photos Of Stitching

I am working on a Hands On Design Cathy Haberman, this was a freebie from a stash relocation from a retreat in August last year.

Not sure why the camera is giving me such horrible photos, sorry, I really like this design but am only going to stitch the house on one side I will do a diamond design on the back like the one above the windows.

Up for my next project it is Blue Ribbon Design, Belinda is designing some really sweet designs,  I am looking forward to doing these, I need to look in my stash for fabric,  threads and ric-rack.

I have also in my stash to do pile  a Scattered Seed Samplers Design, I love Tammy's designs also.

I am also going to do some other smaller designs,  these are Kitty ๐Ÿ˜ธ Me designs, I love these fruits, I am not sure how I will finish them, I am so in love with the water melons.

Well its warm here which I do not mind I like the heat and not the cold, yes I am an oddball because of that, at least my Mother thought so, giggles.
We are still making changes to the backyard, we are putting in a fire pit and sitting area, I will have an almost finished photo on my next blog post.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong, I am trying to add followers blog address's so people can see who i follow, now I get something that makes no sense, (help)
Stay well and safe it is a different world now.


Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Its Time For a Post

It has been very busy here at the Laurent Homestead, we have taken down 6 trees 4 of which were 85 feet high, two that were 60 feet high, plus all the landsacping we are doing with block rock and flowers. The temps have been warm very warm but we like it like that we never complain due to the harsh winters we have here. Her is a photo of the monkey man (that is waht i call him he climbs trees like they are a small pole. Enough of that stuff. I have been stitching a bit This is a Hands On Design free from stash relocation from a retreat last year. I am haviung trouble posting photos I will return. Catherine