I do have a finish, it is a Blue Ribbon Design, Brenda is a wonderful designer, I am not a big fan of purple but love the green with the lavenders and purples.
I did do mine a little different then the finishing instructions.
I also constructed the Scattered Seed Sampler https://scatteredseedsampler.blogspot.com this is Out On A Limb, from the Little Wren Club kit.
I added the ric rak of my own.
I was away for a week at a stitching retreat, it was wonderful to not be cutting wood staining or hearing a drill or hammer going. I taught a beading class and Keli the moderator taught a soap making class, I made the Peony scented soaps which are the blue soaps, Liza made a Vanilla soap and Keli made a scented soap I cannot remember, we did share a soap from each other. I brought a mold, they will be gifts at Christmas. The soaps need to cure for six weeks before use.
Keli was very generous with gifts, she made hand balm which smells so good and makes your hands so soft, she also gave us a new pair of scissors with sheath, a needle threader, handmade soap bar and a project bag.
Liza and Theresa gave us little cute project box carriers, with pens notebook and other needs for crafting.
A special thank-you to Pamela Allen https://hokkaidokudasei.blogspot.com, thank-you for emailing me and asking if everything is okay, since I have not posted since the middle of July, here in Minnesota it is a short season to get outdoor things done.
Plus having a few family members ill has kept us busy, thankfully it is not the virus, just surgeries and other ailments.
We have been very healthy here and hope to stay healthy, we are still volunteering at the Food Shelf, we work with the best people in the world, we are very Blest to work and call then friends.
Time to sign off.
Stay Healthy