Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Minnesota Needlework Guild Prework and Bracelets

Thank-you for all your lovely comments on my last two post, I would send individual email thank-you's but summer is very busy here in our home.
Many tomato's popping up the cherry kind of tomato's, most do not even get into the kitchen, due to us eating them off the vine, yummy in our tummy's.

I am starting work on a Guild project that will be a  guild retreat class  by Ruthmarie Hofmann, it is a beauty in my eyes, it is called Well Of Wishes 11, you know I love thread and beads this is perfect for me.

I made two bracelets this week, one is a kit, the other is a class project, I love me some beads, but my first love is counted thread. The top one was the class I took at Becka Beads, stop on over to her website she is now making fly swatters out of horse hair, they are wonderful, this is for the horse rider of course, but you can surely have one made for swatting flies when sitting outside on your deck, I will try to have her send me a photo, or you can visit her web site and ask for information.

We are getting warm weather here this week, I love the hot weather even the humidity, it does not bother me at all.
We have been sitting and laying out to get a tan, this is the first year in over 40 years I have had a front and back tan, yahoo.
A little visitor to our yard, sometimes I get mad at them but they are so much fun to watch, sadly a mink has been coming around and leaving small gifts for us, not nice ones either, I can put up with the rabbits but not the minks, they are a vicious animal towards humans and other animals, even large animals like dogs, swans etc, so I want to get rid of the mink but need to do a live trap due to poison can harm other animals, we need to either have this mink caught and transferred to a different unpopulated area or destroy it I would rather move it to the forest but some of the neighbors have other ideas. we will see what happens.

Chicken for dinner and French green beans so time to cook.
Have a great week and find time to stitch, thank-you for stopping by.



Faith... said...

Mmmmm fresh tomatoes off the vine! Those sound yummy, I love tomatoes too.

You are doing great on those bracelets, they are very pretty and soon you are going to have quite the collection. I can't wait to see you work on your class project, it is going to be gorgeous.

Enjoy the warm weather! Our high dropped under 100 this week for the first time in over a month.

Karyn said...

Ohhh I love them fresh and warm off the vine! They never make it to kitchen here, either lol, and mine are going like gangbusters this year.
Your bracelets are beautiful, I just love them, what a fun class.
Your guild project is going to be breath taking, Catherine, and it is perfect for that bead loving cross stitcher inside you :) I am excited to watch it's progress!
Minks?! I have never seen a live mink, I had no idea they were feral...I just assumed they were raised in some coat factory farm...yes I am an idiot lol
Dinner sounds yummy...we are having a big cold salad tonight in this So Ca heat.

Preeti said...

Lovely bracelets !! And your new project looks interesting! I grow cherry tomatoes, they are easy to maintain and are sweet so we eat just like that and don't use in cooking.

Marilyn said...

Your new projects looks awesome, can't wait to see this done up.
Pretty bracelets too.
I hope you can find a solution to the Mink, we used to have them here too, then they all disappeared.

Vickie said...

Holy moly Well of Wishes is amazing! Those two bracelets are fancy and very well done Catherine. I hate to tell you what comes to my mind with the mink. I think a bit more like Annie Oakley I think.

Anonymous said...

"Well Of Wishes" is very pretty, I'm looking forward to an update!
Pretty bracelets!

Carol said...

Wow! What a gorgeous project you will be undertaking, Catherine! So, so lovely :) And your bracelets are very pretty, too.

I think you are the only person who isn't bothered by humidity--I seem to have more and more trouble with it as I get older! Hope you are having a lovely day :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Well of Wishes is stunning! I love it. Please take lots of photos as you make it and share with us.

Would a bird of prey scare the mink away? Or would it eat the rabbits too?
They have been flying hawks in our High Street to scare the seagulls away from the town centre and back to the fishdocks.

butterfly said...

What beautiful bracelets , and love the new project , you are going to start .
So happy you are enjoying the sunshine.

Claudette497 said...

That's a stunning piece - I look forward to seeing your progress! Your bracelets are also gorgeous.

Rachel said...

These projects are just beautiful. Those bracelets are gorgeous, just my taste! You're very talented to have made them!

Frances said...

Look at all your beautiful projects!
I had to laugh about your tans! You could get one here in a couple of hours!!! haha
I love the sweet bunny! I did not know that minks are out walking around. I guess I just always thought they were raised on ranches......
I have been traveling a lot the past couple of months. I'm off to Minneapolis Thursday-Saturday for a music meeting. I've been there once before and really enjoyed it. Also visited the Cathedral (Basilica?) in St. Paul. It was stunning! That was probably 10 years ago.

RJ said...

Hi Catherine! We are in Colorado now and I finally got some computer time at this hotel where we are staying. The weather is so perfect and so different than the heat and humidity of Florida. I love your new projects...both are beautiful. You are so good at making bracelets and they are so pretty. And "Well of Wishes" is going to be gorgeous!

I'm a big tomato lover too. The best tomatoes I have ever tasted come from New Jersey. I'll be in touch as we moved on to our next stop. I don't think there will be any computer service in Yellowstone next week. RJ @ stitching friends forever

Brigitte said...

Oh my, what a beautiful project Well of wishes is. You will have a lot of fun with it. And these bracelets are just gorgeous.
Enjoy the warmth (for me it would be a bit too hot, lol).

Marti said...

What a beautiful project! How long will it take you to make it? It looks very complicated and delicate. Good luck relocating your mink. I never could catch much in a live trap, just a possum that I wanted to keep around.