Friday, June 30, 2017

Stitching Beading With Some Nature Photos

Thank-you for all the beautiful  comments.
I really am thrilled to be back posting, reading and leaving comments.
I have been having problems with Google, I cannot comment on Gracie's blog and another is Preeti over at
 For some reason Google will not let me leave a comment on their BlogSpot, does anyone else have a problem like this? please let me know or if you have a solution.

I did get a bit done this week, I sat in my sewing room all day on Wednesday, I had to take in three pair of slacks, one pair of capris and a dress, it was so comforting to sit and sew finally, I also finished the Heart I stitched  With Thy Needle and Thread Love Letters a heart shaped pin pillow, I love this little beauty, I stuffed it with crushed walnut shell's, I find the batting dulls my needles to soon, the walnut shells seem to not do that.
Mike found the crushed walnut shells at a pet food store, they are ( I guess used for lizard aquariums)
Of course you know I love this designer.


I took a beading class last Saturday, it is always fun to go to Becka Beads in Maple Lake Minnesota, Becky is a hoot and a new Grandma two times over.

This is the bracelet, I have never beaded anything in purple but this one really turned out pretty in my eyes, so sorry about the threads I was anxious to get a photo, the threads are now gone, I wore it to lunch today with my Sister In Law, she really liked it, this is a pattern from Ellad2 it is called Duoletta Bracelet,  you can google her designs, Ellad2

This is the first time in over 10 years my cactus has bloomed, yellow flowers this time, last time they were pink, I am not sure why it has not bloomed more or why the color changed, it sits in my sewing room window in the southeast window.

We have a visitor every evening he is a beauty he is small I do not know if the bumps on his head can be seen but when he is standing in front of me close I can see the bumps where his antlers will be, we feed the deer and rabbits along with birds and of course the little rascal squirrel.

We were going to fill the old garden with cement and a fire ring but cannot do this till late August or earlier September due to the three spots a turtle laid her eggs, it was very interesting to watch, she dug and dug with her hind legs one at a time and got very deep and laid the eggs, I am excited to see them little creatures come out of the ground and start their life. it takes up to 90 days for some turtle eggs to hatch, I am not sure about this type, I am hoping it only takes 30days, I will take photos if I see them on their new journey of life.

I cleaned house yesterday and today it always takes two days due to I move all my furniture and the washer and dryer every week, I guess I am a little finicky about dust.
I am taking a tatting class in August at Needlework Guild Retreat, I had my interest piqued by Gracie and her lovely tatting charms with the crystals she does.
Well its almost time for bed the dog needs a little walk and so do I.
Thank-you for stopping by.




RJ said...

Hi Catherine! I really love your heart stitch from WTNT which is one of my very favorite designers too. It came out perfect and is lovely. I know you are happy to be back to stitching again. Love your bracelet too. You are so good at putting them together. I think the color looks beautiful.

I have had the same trouble with not being able to post with one of the blogs I just started to follow. I have left comments on her last four posts and none of them show up. But I have no idea how to fix it.

Love all of your sweet visitors but I'm with you on those nasty squirrels. Hope you have a lovely holiday weekend. I'll be leaving on Sunday but I will try to keep in touch whenever I'm near a computer. RJ @ stitching friends forever

Marilyn said...

The heart is pretty, and so is the purple bracelet.
Interesting about the Turtles, can't wait to see pics of the little guys. :)

Vickie said...

Oh that heart is so cute. Well done! What a fancy,purple bracelet. What a surprise to have a turtle nesting in your yard. Cool!

Brigitte said...

Love Letters is such a sweet stitch and finish. I think I have that in my stash as well, have to look for it.
And what a wonderful bracelet you made.
I don't have problems to comment on the two ladies' blogs. I only can't comment on blogs that have google+

Faith... said...

What a wonderful heart you finished up! I love your bracelet too.

How cool to have so much nature so close to you. It must be amazing and I am in awe! I can't wait to see the turtle babies.

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

Lovely Finish and Lovely Beading...I love your Bracelet..this is so very pretty.

I love all of your other Photos....I hope that Baby Turtles are pretty much on their own before you do any filling in....

Happy Stitching

Linda K

Carol said...

Oh, I'm fascinated to read about your baby turtles--how cool is that!! I have never seen a turtle nest... Please keep posting photos, Catherine!

Love the heart--I am too afraid to try this shape! Must get up my nerve and just go for it.

Happy 4th to you and your family!

Penny said...

You did a lovely job on the heart! And what a pretty bracelet! Hopefully, you will share some baby pictures when the turtles hatch? : ) Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

Preeti said...

Your heart pillow is very sweet !! And the bracelet is beautiful too:) looking forward to see the turtle family.
Don't worry about the comments, Catherine, I know you are my regular visitor. I have no idea either about the issue you are facing, hopefully, someday it will work.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love the alphabet heart, you have finished that beautifully.
I thought the turtle was a pet tortoise at first! We do have deer visit us but they are the smaller Muntjac Deer.
I wonder if your commenting problems are because you have a non-gmail email? Have you tried logging off and back on again? LOL

Anonymous said...

Your heart is so pretty!
Love the bracelet colour!
