Monday, March 6, 2017

A Quick Update

Greetings My Dear Friends: I am feeling better and hope to be stitching tomorrow evening, I have a test in the a.m. a little shopping if I do not get to weak and out to lunch with the best Man in the world, my Husband.

I will post an update of my stitching on Thursday.

Thank-you all for  praying for me and thinking of me during my illness, I have not sent out thank-you emails from the last post comments, but please give me time and I will get caught up.



marly said...

Good to hear! Hopefully you'll continue improving and be much better real soon.

butterfly said...

Yes so good to hear, get fully better soon , hugs.

Linda said...

So happy to hear that your feeling better Catherine.


Marilyn said...

Glad you are feeling better.
Hope you get some time to stitch and relax.

Vickie said...

I am praying dear Catherine. I hope you get the results quickly and the answers you need!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I do hope you feel well enought to shop and have a nice lunch out. Retail therapy is the best!

Penny said...

Hope your test went well and that you are doing much better! And hopefully, you were able to enjoy a little shopping and time with your husband. : )

Preeti said...

Nice to know you are feeling better now.

Carol said...

Hope you are back to normal in no time, Catherine!! Take care now...

Tiffstitch said...

Glad you're starting to feel better, take care!

Rachel said...

So glad to hear you're feeling better!

Susana Laurencia said...

So glad you're all on the mend!
Your stitching is lovely, as always! I also like the border on your big finish. I like the interest because it doesn't match all the way around!
