The Bear ornament is from the Just Cross Stitch ornement issue I think he is so cute I stitched him way last year, the other ornaments are something I stitched I cannot tell you how long ago I donot remember the artist so sorry.
The Little House Needlework In a Pear Tree is going to be a stand-up ornament on my sofa table it is kind of large and will look good with my fake fruit bowl, the Blackbird Designs picture is from a class I took with Alma and Barb in 2009, it was going to be a pin cushion, I really needed a small picture for a skinny wall in the kitchen I think this will do, the Reindeer pillow top is going to be hung on the wall in one of my bathrooms I just donot need another pillow so hanging it will be a nice addition.
O.K. I was able to upload the pictures today I plan on trying to upload the beautiful box Linda made for me tomorrow I left it at a stitching spot and need to go pick it up, it is a stunning box and came with lots of goodies.
My most wonderful Husband and I stayed home yesterday and layed low it was fabulous I made turkey wings for me and thighs for him, along with baked potatoes, squash and homemade gravy with dried cranberries in it, no dessert that is something we will have today.
Blessings to you all.