This is Winifred Witch from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween
Annual Issue, I did change the color of the fabric the instructions
called for carrot I wanted to use a gold piece, I really like this
pattern. (Issue October 2010)

This is The By The Bay Needleart Happy Haunting, I did make a
couple of changes on this pattern also, I used a different type of
I used a varigated thread oround the framing of the picture I do like
the way it looks. I raelly love this pattern I may do a couple more in
different colors.

This pattern is a Heart In Hand Wee One, Halloween Bird,
the trim is a yarn of some kind I am not sure what, I found a site
on Ebay that sells small bags of trim for scrap booking, I like the
look of this trim, I did have to glue it on.
As you can tell I am getting ready for halloween, I did start to bring out my fall decorations, at the end of September I will put out halloween stuff. We do not put out a lot but the house does get a real makeover inside.
I will post pictures of the finished projects soon.
Happy Labor day to you all.
God Bless America
and all who protect