Thank-you to all the wonderful comments from my faithful followers, my heart smiles when I read your comments.
I find it amazing that there are so many people who do not know me personally but care to leave comments and very sweet comments. This past year has been very hard on me and my husband, his illness and his sisters illness is very trying to me. I was scared by a doctor in the ER last November and told I may have bladder cancer, I am so thankful for the Prayers from the family and people that I had told this about, I do not have bladder cancer, I put everything in Gods hands, my Prayers were answered, I only shared this information with one person knowing she is a strong person when it comes to Prayers, thank-you so much, you know who you are, here in Blogland.
So on to stitching, I am almost finished with Blue Coat Santa, he is a full coverage design, I love Teresa Kogut Designs, and many other designers also. I hope to have him finished by tomorrow evening.
I have a couple of designs I want to stitch from Asbury's Echos, Rhonda has an Etsy Shop and a YouTube site, she has her son Drew on the videos with her, he sometimes shares what he is either making or of some of his animals, both the Etsy site and the YouTube site are Asbury's Echos by name, check her out.
We will star taking down the Christmas decorations the day after the Epiphany on Monday, it will make me sad, I love Christmas decorations.
I have a question for you, have you ever wanted to stitch a design look for it on Ebay, Etsy or Facebook and could not find it, I have been looking for a design for several years maybe if I give up it will show up sometime. I am not sure which one I will start next.
God Shed His Grace
Bumblebee 3
Give Thanks
I hope you all are well enjoying needle and thread and some family time; it is very cold here in Minnesota, single digits and in the Teens only, brrrr.
Until, next time